Noun • राजकीय आयोग | • शाही कमीशन |
royal: रायल कागज शाही | |
commission: विचारण बनाने का | |
royal commission meaning in Hindi
royal commission sentence in HindiExamples
- Rather than further funding Palestinian bellicosity, Western states, starting with Israel, should cut off all funds to the Palestinian Authority. Dec. 19, 2007 update : The Peel Commission of 1936-37, formally known as the Palestine Royal Commission, included a sentence n its report that exact;y anticipates this article by seventy years: “With almost mathematical precision the betterment of the economic situation in Palestine meant the deterioration of the political situation.” In other words, this pattern is not exactly new. Dec. 20, 2007 update : Using the Stotsky materials and extrapolating to include the $7.4 billion committed earlier this week, Hal M. Switkay comes up with an estimate of 4,600 Palestinian-caused deaths per year in the three years ahead: Extrapolation of Stotsky's analysis for $7.4 billion over three years. Switkay also provides commentary, noting for starters that there is one crucial missing ingredient in this analysis, the correlation coefficient, known as r .
फिलीस्तीनी आंकड़े एक विस्तृत परिपाटी के अनुकूल भी बैठते हैं जैसा कि 2005 के एक लेख में जीन पाल आजम और अलेक्जेण्डा डिलेक्रोइस्क ने लिखा था .” किसी भी देश द्वारा आतंकी गतिविधि की आपूर्ति सकारात्मक रूप से उस देश द्वारा प्राप्त विदेशी सहायता से जुड़ी है ''जितनी अधिक विदेशी सहायता उतना अधिक आतंकवाद। - The Act of 1919 had provided for the appointment for a Royal Commission at the expiration of ten years “ for enquiring into the working of the system of government . . . and the development of representative institutions in British India . . . ” and of reporting “ as to whether and to what extent it is desirable to establish the principle of responsible government , or to extend , modify , or restrict the degree of responsible government . . . existing therein , including the question whether the establishment of second chambers of the local legislatures is or is not desirable ” .
1919 के अधिनियम में व्यवस्था थी कि दस वर्षों की अवधि व्यतीत हो जाने पर एक रायल कमीशन नियुक़्त किया जाए जो ? ब्रिटिश इंडिया में शासन प्रणाली के कार्यकरण की तथा प्रतिनिधि संस्थाओं के विकास की जांच करे ? ? और यह बताया कि ? क़्या उत्तरदायी सरकार के सिद्धांत को कार्यरूप देना , या उत्तदायी सरकार का विस्तार करना , उसमें रूपभेद करना,या समिति करना वांछनीय है और , यदि हां तो कहां तक वांछनीय है , तथा क़्या स्थानीय विधानमंडलों में दूसरा सदन Zस्थापित करना वांछनीय है या नहीं . ?